Thursday, September 10, 2009

First things first!!!

Ten months prior to her wedding, Carrie and I had a lot to do and to think about. Thankfully Carrie already knew where she wanted to have her wedding and pretty much what the ambiance was going to be. Every wedding needs an ambiance girls! Once you decide if your wedding's going to be traditional, modern, eclectic, country, etc, then any decision can be made! So Carrie picked her colors: black, white, & hot pink! She's such a hot pink kind of girl. Some girls are pale pink, some are pink pink, and some are hot pink; Carrie's always been hot pink! She decided that she liked Gerber Daises for a July 4, 2009 wedding. Very fitting! Everything after choosing her colors was cake! Oh God! Cake! What about a cake? Choosing a cake can take hours and hours of searching online, and finding just the right one to fit with your wedding decor was nearly impossible to afford! Eventually, Carrie settled on oversized cupcakes that were simply delicious in red velvet with strawberry icing, and chocolate with butterscotch icing. (Of course I tried them both...I got the damn dress to fit, who cared if I was popping out of it by the end of the night!)

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